Eat Healthy : Healthy diets equal a great looking scalp. Believe it or not what we put in our body can have a great effect on our scalp and skin. A diet consisting of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains and unsaturated fat will lead to a more healthier scalp.
Kill the Heat : Heat damage is one of the many things that can prevent you from having a well functioning scalp. Blow-dryers and hooded dryers extract an excess amount of heat to the scalp which is cause you hair to become brittle and dry. Try to avoid using heat as much as possible.
Avoid tension on the hair. braids that are to tight or styles that add tension to the scalp can cause a great deal of damge.
Avoid Oil to the Scalp : When I was coming up applying oil or heavy grease to the scalp was a way to keep you scalp moisturized, but little did we know that applying such products directly to the scalp was blocking our pores which needed oxygen to help our hair to grow Applying oil and grease directly to the scalp can cause great hair and scalp damage. Your scalp naturally produces oil so there is no need for added product. Keep your hair and scalp clean and just apply oil to the root and ends of your hair.
Use the Right Products :
Using the right products for you hair type can make a world of difference when it comes to your texture hair and scalp. Not all hair products are created equal. So it is imperative to do some trail and errors to find what product will work well with you hair and scalp. Avoid shampoos that consist of sulfate and ammonium. When using conditioners make sure to rinse the product out of your have to avoid developing dandruff.
I hope that these will work for you as they have help me in maintaining healthy hair and scalp.
If you have any other tips that you know will help others please leave a comment below
Happy, Healthy, Hair & Scalp